Easy and natural ways to never get sick

2 min readDec 15, 2020

A lot of people get sick and then question themselves, “Is there a trick or remedy through which I can never get sick?” The question is natural and understandable. When you get cold, you have to take the cold treatment and also have to bear with the repercussions of having ice-cream. Runny nose and itchy throat are only for starters. When you get sick, you have to bear with all the energy drain, feeling bad and exhausted all the time. Medicine is not something people take for pleasure. It’s the last resort to feel better. All these problems are not exclusive to anyone, everyone gets sick. Yet there are some people who don’t suffer as much as you do. Some people fight cold or sickness in a day or two without the help of any external medicine. What do they have that you don’t?

The answer lies in immunity. They have a well-functioning system of defense against external harmful pathogens and viruses that attack our body. With a strong immune system, one isn’t easily susceptible to viruses that can make you sick or cold. Their body fights those viruses easily and the person doesn’t get sick. So, this way, all of the discussion comes to a single solution: build a strong immune system.

One doesn’t get a strong immune system in a day. As cliché as it sounds, health is a way of life. Making healthy choices over unhealthy ones, taking care of what you’re putting in your belly and what you’re not, a thoughtful choice towards a healthy life is the actual immunity booster.

Here are some tips to inculcate in your daily lifestyle which can help you build a strong immune system:


Exercising means staying active. It doesn’t matter if you’re doing sprints or walking three times a week. Any kind of physical activity reduces stress and builds a defense against inflammation and chronic diseases by circulating disease-fighting cells called WBCs.

Don’t forget veggies

Leafy green vegetables are rich in vitamins and nutrients that are crucial in maintaining a balanced diet, and as a result, maintaining a healthy immune system. Having a balanced diet is helpful in keeping our body energized and healthy with good micronutrients.

Say no to alcohol

Alcohol is not healthy for the body. Here’s how. When you consume alcohol, it damages a vital part of our immune system called dendritic cells. As you increase your consumption of alcohol, you’re more susceptible to getting sick and cold by viral or bacterial infections.


If you’re sick or cold, getting the right amount of sleep is as important as natural remedies for cough, cold or fever. Sleeping a minimum of 8 hours every night makes our body strong enough to fight viruses and cold. It is so because when we sleep, our body releases a protein called Cytokines which is responsible for helping the body fight viruses and build a stronger immune system.

Get Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency leads to issues such as weak immune system, cardiovascular problems and poor bone growth. Good sources of Vitamin D are mushrooms, salmon and egg yolks.

